Gymnasium Hartberg – Schulblog

19. März 2016

“Frankenstein – The monster and the myth“

Filed under: 2015/16,Englisch — Schlagwörter: — admin @ 22:27

On Monday, the seventh of March 2016, my class and I watched the play “Frankenstein – The monster and the myth“ at the theatre in Graz. The original story of Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.

The play tells the story of Victor Frankenstein, who is a scientist from Switzerland. His goal is to create life or to revive dead people. To do this, he owns a machine which produces electricity, but with that he has lots of failed attempts. But one day, he has a brilliant idea. He wants to create a creature of pieces from dead bodies and was successful. Quickly, he realised, that he didn’t create a human, rather a monster, which kills people. That’s the birth of Frankenstein’s monster.

On the whole, the play was really enjoyable. I have never watched any Frankenstein films before, because I thought they were boring, but the play pleasantly surprised me. You could see that the actors had much fun in their roles and that made a positive impression on me. The play was performed in English, except for one or two single words, I could understand all words very easily. There are not very many negative points, but I think at a few times, the lights were too bright or the actors spoke a little bit too quiet.

Lastly, I want to say that the play was very exciting and I can only recommend it. It’s a play for everyone, except for children or babies.

Lukas Trausmüller, 6c

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